The Legacy.

Bringing the words of Harav Shimon Alster’s Torah to life once again

Over the course of a lifetime spent in Harbatzas Hatorah, Harav Shimon Alster Zatzal had a unique ability to connect. Whether to his talmidim in the Yeshivos of Long Beach or Cliffwood, to the mispallim of his shul, Beis Medrash Torah Utefilla in Flatbush, or to any of those privileged to come into his orbit, Reb Shimon (as he was known) would naturally connect with people on their level. The deep power of that connection emanated from his vast storehouse of Torah, developed over years steeped in his own connections to Gedolei Torah spanning generations, both in person and through their seforim or hanhagos, which he was able to direct and transmit to each person. Although this bright light was dimmed with his petirah, those that knew him and those that did not can still access it and strengthen that connection through the Torah he transmitted to us over so many years.

It is with this intent that Toras Shimon was founded; to continue his legacy and bring his words of torah to life once again.


Shuirim are updated weekly


Rabbi Shimon Alster was a self-made Gadol with a miraculous beginning and even more impressive accomplishments. His dedication to Torah and elation on his face while plowing through a sugya spoke of his prodigious devotion to Hashem. His authenticity, encouragement, unique insight and deep love for others made every Talmid feel like his closest Talmid.